I'm off to Toronto for another bootcamp today. I'll also be touching base and following up with Dragon, the Pick Up Artist formerly known as LittlePUA. You may remember him as the young Asian highschooler who was waylaid by a bunch of neo-Nazis. Well, he's still stuck in podunk town, but he has been going on dates, Day2s, and slowly but surely growing as a man who's sure to strike terror in mothers and fathers with daughters everywhere.
Anyways, continuing with the series on the Top Sticking Points Asian Men Have in Dating...
- Confused: So here's what's going on, as I explained and was discussed in the post The Asian Poker Face, people who aren't Asian have a hard time differentiating between Asians. This also translates into their ability to read our facial expressions. This isn't necessarily a big deal for those Asian brothers who only want Asian women, but for those who want to date white women, black women, Latinas and everything else, it becomes vital to show your expressions.
- Angry: Another facet of this is that some Asian men are simply too shy and/or introverted to show happiness, anger, sadness, excitement, etc. As if showing emotions and not being stoic was a sign of weakness. Or maybe they just aren't used to being emotional and working those smiling muscles. End result is still the same. Your neutral expression seems angry/upset/bored to other people and can give girls the wrong vibe.
- Happy: The answer is very simple, you're going to look into the mirror and SMILE. Frown. Give me your "I'm too sexy" look. A sly look. A hurt look. An amazed look. In other words, gentlemen, you're going to EMOTE. Whenever you're talking to a woman, and hopefully you're telling an interesting story that will take her on a rollercoaster of emotions from on high to down low, you're going to match your energy and tonality with the right facial expression.
- The Eyes Have It: Eye contact is vital in Western cultures. I've noticed that it isn't so in Asian countries, but here in America, the unwillingness to make eye contact is a sign of timidness and being a Beta Male.
- Windows to the Soul: You need to LOOK PEOPLE IN THE EYE. Look at total strangers. Smile at them. Maintain eye contact. There's also a very practical value to this is that if your chin is up- you're looking women in the eye- you WILL start to detect those IOIs (Indicators of Interest) and AI (Approach Invitiations). You're more aware, seem more confident, and recognize female interest in you in the form of that coy eye contact and smile that American women are so fond of showing cute guys. Which leads us to...
- She Loves Me: Here's another common sticking point, but very applicable to Asian men. I think it stems from some of the previous Inner Game limiting beliefs that I had mentioned (ie “She won't like me because I’m Asian). There's the AFC (Average Frustrated Chump) extreme where the girl has to HIT him over the head with hints that she likes him. And then there's the Asian bro who is sucessfully flirting with the girl but doesn't realize it. She’s smiling, she’s talking, she’s touching, but it doesn’t quite filter into his mind that she’s attracted.
- She Loves Me Not: So what then happens is Buying Temperature Overload when he continues gaming, creating attraction, but taking it NOWHERE. There’s too much flash game and attraction being built. It’s time to switch and close the deal, but because said bro still thinks he needs to build attraction, he’s still being Cocky & Funny, still running Buying Temperature gambits, negs and the like. He doesn’t realize that SHE LIKES HIM and eventually she moves on because he hasn’t shown GENUINE INTEREST IN HER. Which is the next sticking point I’m going to address, that of Direct Interest and creating SEXUAL Attraction.
- She Loves Me!: Realize that you can create and have the necessary attraction from 30 seconds to 10 minutes. One of the most common attributes of my natural friends is that they're incredibly confident that women find them attracted. To the point of being conceited and arrogant. But you know what? They're looking for those IOIs to exploit and even creating opportunities to take advantage where previously there were none. They believe it firmly and see it everywhere. You have to develop a SITUATIONAL AWARENESS about women and in reading their verbal and non-verbal IOIs.
To be continued...

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Labels: Facial Expressions, Interracial Dating Disparity, Outer Confidence