"I saw APB AMOGGING this girl’s fiancée for 15 minutes. It was one of the most awesome things. APB was dominant verbally AND physically. It was crazy. I could tell that the guy’s fiancée was attracted to him."
-Gatsby (NYC)
I will be heading back from Austin tomorrow and after that I will be in the San Jose / San Francisco area teaching a 2on1 Bootcamp with some Asian brothers.
Crazy town and meeting lots of random people... some of whom I actually knew from other cities. Including briefly running into Herbal back in the Project Hollywood and Katya days. Talk about randomness.
Anyways, I give you Gatsby's second day of bootcamp field report. In many bootcamps, not all but many, where the first day is to get over Approach Anxiety, the second day is one where the student(s) seriously reflect on their Inner Game and realize changes needed to be made.
Like Barney who actually considered dropping out, but ended up sticking in after I encouraged him to have a few drinks with me which resulted in better results (in Barney's case, he made out with a model/dancer).
The first day you realize how hard pick up and seduction is and you either break on the second day or really dig deep and find that fire in your belly, that competitive edge and KILLER INSTINCT.
Trial by fire, my brothers, trial by fire.
Boot Camp – Day 2 - Rock Bottom
Today was weird. I felt a little bit weird before we went out. Something was not right. It wasn’t necessarily w/ my game, but something about my life didn’t feel right.
The lecture went fine, and it was time to go out.
This time we went to this bar / club called Libation in Lower East Side. It was definitely different from a rooftop bar. Much more people, LOUDER, and more hectic. Prettier girls. I’m already nervous. I down 2 Red Bulls, a Red Bull Vodka, and a Malibu Cocktail. I’m kinda drunk, too.
I saw APB gaming the bartender. Crazy stuff. The guy has major game.
I open a mixed-set outside the bar/club, which gets a few laughs but dies down pretty quick.
So we go upstairs and I open a 2-set that goes kind of stale… QUICK. I’m discouraged. Then, I open another 3-set w/ the Indiana Jones / James Bond… but something’s off. I can’t quite figure it out. Then, I start hesitating when APB tells me to go into sets. I didn’t think this was possible, but I kept on freezing. WEIRD!
APB tells me to approach a seated 3-set, and I go in and open w/ “I love you.” One of the girls, Blonde6.5 shows IOIs, and APB tells me to seat her. I sit her down, and we talk and vibe and tell stories. Going well… then STUPID ME asks for her AGE! BT goes down. WTF is wrong w/ me??? I could’ve # closed her but then she left to go to her friends.
APB opens a 2-set for me, a Latina6.5 and a Dominican 6.5. I hang out w/ Dominican6.5 for a while and I’m able to sit her down at a table. I was able to run quite a few routines like palmistry, ink reading, etc. It’s weird though because in retrospect, I could’ve easily gone sexual, but I didn’t. I can only blame it on wussiness. I number closed though.
We go to a different club, and almost as soon as I get there, APB wants me to go direct. I do a direct that goes stale. I hesitated, and she EASILY noticed it. Also… her boyfriend was right behind her. Whoops. I open a 2-set that goes relatively well for 5-6 minutes, but I don’t sit down w/ the girl showing the most IOIs and mini-isolate. Mistake. APB tells me to go approach a lone-wolf, and I go indirect on her instead of direct.
APB asks, “Why didn’t you go direct?”
I have no answer. Then, I go direct on a hired gun looking type of girl. Not too good of a response, but I stayed in and plowed and plowed. I tried. I open a mixed that goes decently, until an AMOG comes in. It was a physical kind of AMOG, and APB comes in to see what’s up.
Nothing much happens, but it was interesting to experience physical AMOGGING for the first time. I’ll be ready for it next time. Kinda exciting. I saw APB AMOGGING this girl’s fiancée for 15 minutes. It was one of the most awesome things. APB was dominant verbally AND physically. It was crazy. I could tell that the guy’s fiancée was attracted to him.
We decide that it’s time to bounce, and I’m pretty quiet the rest of the way home.
I didn’t say much, and I left for home. Then, I came back to APB’s room and I changed and decided to go back to the club. APB thinks I’m crazy and tells me that I NEED to get sleep. So I go back but the club is pretty much dead. I have another beer, and I go home.
I get home around 4 AM, and I can’t sleep. (It was also the Red Bull.) It was a tough few hours. I felt like quitting. I felt like shit. It was weird. I felt like calling APB and telling him that I’m going to quit. That he can just keep my money and that I’m through with this.
It was around 6 AM. There’s no fucking way I’m quitting.
I’m never quitting until I feel like I can’t get any better, which will be close to never.
I reflect, assess, and evaluate my game. I isolated 2 girls, and number closed one at a more hectic, chaotic environment.
My inner game is fucked up. I approach sets thinking that these girls can’t possibly be attracted to me. No wonder I don’t notice IOIs that APB notices.
I am re-building my identity and learning a skill-set that I’ve NEVER, EVER learned directly or indirectly.
Fight on. I go to sleep around 7 AM.
And wake up at 9 AM. A new day.
-Gatsby (New York City)

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