"APB will be whatever you want him to be. He can be your coach that sends you in, a wing that helps you open and maintain sets, and / or a coach that critiques your body language, body position, energy, verbal game, etc. He’ll transform into different things all throughout the night. He is there to help, and he’s damn good at it."
- Gatsby
My latest NYC student sent me a review and testimonial of his 1on1 Exclusive Mentorship Bootcamp.
With great pleasure, I introduce the Great Gatsby!
General Boot Camp Review
Life-changing. Inspiring. Exciting.
Tough. Challenging. Eye-Opening.
These are 6 words that I’d use to describe the boot-camp with APB.
Before I took the bootcamp, I did over 180 hours of research. I read all the major schools of PUA, listened to audio CDs, DVDs, read newsletters, read e-books, read blogs, and spent hours in the StyleLife Challenge.
I hesitated before I took the boot camp. I wondered “Do I really need to do this?” “Have I really stooped to the level where I need to do this?”
Sadly, I had seen and understood The Matrix. What APB talked about it in his blogs, I knew and had experienced. So I had to answer honestly, “Yes, I do.” Not the proudest moment of my life, but it is one of the best decisions I’ve made in life.
When I first saw APB, I was very happy because I didn’t think he was that good-looking. Maybe a 6. When he’s dressed fashionably to go out, he becomes a 7. That’s an important tip.
When you learn about the importance of body language and confidence, you don’t know it until you see it. One of the things I gained the most is by observing APB. I could tell that he’s always aware of his surroundings and his body language and what he’s saying / thinking. His control over his self and his confidence is portrayed smoothly and subtly. I realized that PUAs are good at this game, not because they do anything extravagantly, but because they have mastered the subtleties of communication, both verbal and physical that conveys all the right values. That’s only something that you can learn by actually meeting APB, the most alpha person I’ve ever meet in my entire life.
The lecture hours are EXCELLENT. I highly encourage you to take the 1-1 boot camp. When he helps you develop routines and helps you practice your stories, he gives you his undivided 100% attention. It’s a constant back-and-forth interaction where he gives you feedback, you improve / improvise, and he gives you feedback again. He also makes you rehearse it, so you tell the story with the right tonality, body language, and energy. It really helps you fine-tune everything about your outer game. You can’t do that when one instructor is helping 3-5 students at one time.
As for the field, APB will be whatever you want him to be. He can be your coach that sends you in, a wing that helps you open and maintain sets, and / or a coach that critiques your body language, body position, energy, verbal game, etc. He’ll transform into different things all throughout the night. He is there to help, and he’s damn good at it. And because he’s only specializing on you, you have his attention the whole night. He doesn’t go anywhere, he’s always watching.
He’ll demo for you. And it’s amazing. It’s one thing to read APB’s field reports, but another to see him approach, attract, build rapport. He also demonstrated AMOGGING, both physical and verbal. It’s AMAZING to watch.
APB is tough on you. He is an amazing coach, mentor, and inspiration. He’ll at times rip you apart and at times praise. He’ll criticize, and he’s not picky about his words.
His inner game lecture after the field report is intense, raw, and ruthless. You realize the truth about being Asian and being in the game, and he’s not shy to explain it the way it is.
APB expects a lot from you. He’ll push you and push you and push you. He isn’t shy to speak his mind. I remember asking him “Is my story the saddest of all the clients you’ve had?” He replied, “Why, do you want a prize for that or something?”
There’s one thing… that APB distorts about the bootcamp experience. He says he’s not there to be your friend, that he’s there to be the coach / mentor to improve your game. That’s not true.
No matter how much he tries to hide it (through his words and through his expressions), he ends up being a friend / brother, someone who’s got your back no matter what during the camp, and who wants you to do well, not only in the game, but in life. Tip: He usually lets his guard down around after 3 AM (after he’s had some to drink and he’s tired) - then you can start picking his brain and asking him about his personal life. That’s when he morphs from APB to a friend. J
So: Overall evaluation and tips.
- You can’t learn PUA through books / DVDs. A bootcamp is a MUST. (Trust me, I’ve probably read everything that you have.)
- Just hanging out w/ APB and watching his body language and alpha attitude is worth the price of the boot camp.
- The field experience is great. APB is focused on you and only you.
- His ABC lectures are well-organized, and his help on creating your own routines / stories is awesome because he gives you his undivided attention and feedback the entire boot camp.
- He has a deep understanding for the game both universally and for Asian-specifically. His inner game lectures at the end of the field experience are inspiring and thought-provoking.
- He cares. A LOT.
-Gatsby (New York City)

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