It all started out simply enough as a way to help my fellow Asian brothers out, have some fun, travel, and make some extra beer money. But as this blog and my reputation / credibility have grown, it just isn't a smart approach anymore given an increasingly demanding, busy schedule and growing demand for my services around the world (and I've barely started on my ebook).
A reader recently made an interesting point in a previous post about pulling before a program in [4 Babes, Too Many Options] Choose Your Own Adventure. This is similar to the discussion some time back about whether or not a Pick Up Instructor should get laid during bootcamp: To Pull or Not to Pull During Bootcamp.
The reader had this to say:
D said...
Harness all of your experience and go for the lay if you truly feel like it, APB. But ABSOLUTELY, POSITIVELY make sure that you are primed and ready to give your ABSOLUTE BEST to that student in San Fran. DO NOT risk being tired for that student and risk giving less because of it. That has no integrity. Yes, you ARE a pickup artist, we all know that, but when you are in a bootcamp you are a teacher and people trust you with their time and money. If I was a potential student of yours I would be wary of training with you because of reading this post. Go out tonight or next monday.
It's kind of a Catch-22 isn't it? You don't have credibility as a teacher and Pick Up Artist unless you pull, but at the same time if you have as busy a schedule as mine, you have to make do with what little time I've got. Damned if I do, not laid if I don't.
Other dating experts and companies can afford to have one instructor go off and get laid before and during a program because there's someone else to take up the slack. However, with the highly personalized APB Programs, you get me personally, for better and for worse.
To put it in perspective, some off the cuff numbers and statistics since I became a Professional Pick Up Artist (going on one year and change now)...

- Total programs I personally have taught: ~53 events (bootcamps, field critiques, special events, etc)
- Total students I've taught: ~53 to 100 students (Asian, white, black, hispanic, Indian, single, married, virgin, newbies, intermediate, advanced, etc)
- Total cities I've taught at: 16 different cities...
In truth, I pride myself on that the majority of my programs were executed at the high quality I hold myself (as seen by extensive client testimonials and student field/lay reports), but some students due to their own lack of drive, belief and work ethic have slipped through the cracks even when I tried to pull them away from the abyss despite my best efforts.
And yes- more rarely and regrettably- fatigue, frustration, occasional sickness and other human foibles sometimes occurs and I'm not near my 100% performance. You get me, in all my shining glory with warts and all. No fancy schtick, just a front seat to whatever successes I can pull out of my ass on demand and without backup.
But I always teach, put in as much time for the student as necessary, and try to sincerely care and encourage each individual student no matter how good or how bad I'm feeling. And sometimes that's damn tough if the client is a defeatist and other times it's a joy and pleasure having an eager student with potential.
Weekly working hours:
- Waiting at the airport: 1 hour
- Flight to city: 4 hours
- Three day bootcamp: 30 hours minimum, sometimes 40 hours for afterhours pick up
- Waiting at the airport: 1 hour
- Flight to Dallas: 4 hours
- Optional Post Bootcamp Debrief Writeup: 1-2 hours
- E-mails, blogging, phone calls, newsletter writing: Varies
- Office work & finances: Varies
- Free and voluntary online support and alumni phone support: Varies
- Min. working hours: 40+ hours a week
- Max. working hours: 52 to sometimes 80 hours a week
Damn good thing this isn't the only business I run. The other being as hands off as I can make it and still make a decent living.
And what's it all for?
- Personal compensation: $1050 for 1 on 1 programs
- Other dating experts' price range: $1450 - $3000+ for group programs of varying student to instructor ratios and quality
My remaining leisure and free time:
- Monday: Rest due to bootcamp fatigue so the reader's suggestion of going out next Monday is not doable
- Tuesday & Wednesday: Go out with friends, wingmen, or girls
- Thursday: Go out and run the risk of starting bootcamp fatigued or stay in bored out of my mind
So realistically, I have two days/nights to enjoy myself with an optional 3rd night that may or may not affect my professional performance. And unlike sedentary PUAs or average Joes who can go out during the weeknights, I can't really do any Day 2s as I'm usually teaching in a different city. And setting up a Day 2 during bootcamp would more than likely interefere with the work.
In other words, I've been pushing myself at such a demanding schedule that it has affected both my health and social life.
It all started out simply enough as a way to help my fellow Asian brothers out, have some fun, travel, and make some extra beer money. But as this blog and my reputation/credibility have grown, it just isn't a smart approach anymore given an increasingly demanding, busy schedule and growing demand for my services around the world (and I've barely started on my ebook).
In other words, my future programs are going to change in structure. I simply have to because maintaining this pace of work isn't sustainable for 2007 without damaging the quality of APB Programs unless changes are made to match the rising level of demand for my services.
So this is one of the many reasons why I'm slowly transitioning away from the current model of highly personalized- though inefficient and incredibly demanding- small programs into larger events- that are still manageable while still maintaining the quality of a 2:1 student to instructor ratio- assisted by former Alumni turned Approach Coaches and Interns like Groove, Toy Machine, and guest instructor OCWaterBoy.
Tuition WILL also increase after Vegas (only the Alumni Program rates will remain the same), but I also hope to make significant, value added improvements to the benefit of all involved including the students, myself, and my associates to justify increased costs.
Students can still book appointments NOW under the old model, but all future, post-Vegas programs will be handled in a different, but improved form.
Stay tuned!

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