"At one point, before any coitus, target asks: "Do you like to cuddle?"
G: *Very sarcastically* OMG!! Doesn't every guy?!
She hits me in the arm. Then sucks me off."
-Groove (Dallas, Texas)
I'm going off to New York for a week where I have two bootcamps with some of our Asian brothers: a group bootcamp and an exclusive bootcamp running for four days.
Upcoming bootcamps are currently scheduled for:
For your reading pleasure, I give you a blowjob report from my Dallas student Groove who pulled some oral sex loving two nights ago on Monday. Previously, I posted a lay report and a handjob report from Groove... both occuring after having taken a bootcamp with me.
Click here for a complete list of field reports, hand job reports, blow job reports, and lay reports from former clients, students, and fellow Asian Pick Up Artists. They grow up so fast *sniff* *sniff*.
So I've been in kind of a rut recently. After my 3rd lay from cold approaches I kinda seemed to taper off, which concerned me.
I relapsed into some AA, and I would forget routines I previously had in the bag. Trying to rectify the situation, we head to Martini Ranch last night...
Me and my wings are chillin, enjoyin our drinks...when I spy a 3 set by the door. Time to end this drought. On my approach the target, HB7.5 Brunette gives me EC and smiles. As I get closer she says:
HBBrunette: Hey, you remember us?
HBBrunette: We met at OBar a while back, you danced with us.
Now I'm drawing a compete blank but it didn't matter. From there I'm off and running.
Open. Move to table. Intro to wings. Spike BT. Isolate target. Kiss close. #close.
I'll keep the specifics short. At this point in the night if my target were to have spontaneously combusted...I probably would have been sastified. (it would suck for her of course) But I had accomplished what I had set out to do...jump back onto that horse.
However, wanting to push the envelope...and thinking back to one of CJ's posts about how after 3 lays, one should be willing to give up the lay in order to work on a sticking point....I decided I'de shoot for an extraction. Logistics have always held me back.
Target is there with UG friend. I suggest we all (wings included) go get food. Target and UG agree, but UG takes FOREVER to leave the bar. While we're waiting I eye code my wings and they say they can't wait any longer, for us to just meet them there. UG shows up and I leave with target and UG to the resteraunt.
On the way over I text my wings to head home, then tell the girls that one of my friends is too drunk to do anything so he's taking him home. But that he'll pick me up at her place after we're through eating.
This apparently gave enough plausible deniability for the girls, bc it worked.
Another big factor is the the target was very into me AND I had befriended the UG.
So we eat and head to her tiny-ass, one-bedroom, no furniture apartment in plano. We drink some water and the girls disappear into the bedroom. I'm thinking fuck. But then target re-emerges and says UG is gonna pass out on the floor next to the bed. Ok....that's kinda bittersweet....but I'll improvise.
Ironically enough once UG was out of the picture...I never heard again about my friend who was "on his way to pick me up." Target goes to bathroom. I get in her bed. She gets in her bed. Fornication ensues.
Unfortunately I was unable to get the full-monty. Couldn't deal with the LMR properly yet. Plus her friend was sleeping 2 feet away. Still didn't stop me from getting a solid BJ. Eh...accomplishing one goal, and beating one sticking point is a solid night.
-Groove (Dallas, Texas)
PS: At one point, before any coitus, target asks: "Do you like to cuddle?"
G: *Very sarcastically* OMG!! Doesn't every guy?!
She hits me in the arm. Then sucks me off.

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