"We go dance....and then.....VOILA! Bust out APB's pattented "dancing to hand-job routine"
Dude.....that shit is MONEY. Man you're a mad genius for coming up with that stuff. 100% field tested and WORKS."
At Cliff's List, I dispensed nuggets of advice and information. Amongst these pearls of wisdom was one that is simply PURE EVIL. We're talking DARK JEDI stuff here.
APB's Patented Dance to Handjob Technique.
That's right, true believers, you too can get yourself a hottie to jerk you off on the dance floor in front of everyone. This isn't to be used on "the one" or a "girl that you'd like to date," but simply to escalate and hopefully pull home as fast as you can.
But, ah, I can see you asking yourself, "That's bullshit, man. That doesn't happen in the clubs!"
Silly disbelievers.
Well, Masterpiece, an Asian brother from the Chicago Lair, used this dastardly tactic that very same night in Montreal after hearing me speak at Cliff's List... he got himself a handjob from a blonde bombshell.
Remember, here at my blog, it's FIELD TESTED. PUA APPROVED.
So beware, young Padawan, "you don't know the power of the dark side..."
And now... I give you Groove, a Dallas student of mine, and his "Hand Job on the Dance Floor Report..."
OK....so I thought I'de post this one up as there's lots of good stuff here, and a couple good points for discussion.
Scene: At Spike with APB and 2 friends. The place is a cock farm compared to how it usually is Wednesday nights...we're only there bc one friend is fucking a waitress, and APB is meeting a girl. After a round of shots and beers we notice the most promising set in the bar and APB makes a very good quick little lesson out of it:
Keep your radar up for BL. I know, simple enough.....but it's the tiniest of things that can help you out, for instance....this particular set, a 2set- HB8-JeanSkirt and HB9-Boyshorts (because that's all she was wearing on bottom), WANTED TO BE OPENED. They were both sitting at the bar, facing directly out but still talking to each other. I'm going in.
Approach. Minor CB by a photographer/promoter whom I know. Fuck....The guy's very cool though, so I start talking to him and use him as social proof in front of the set. I'm introduced, photog wanders off and I'm left to attend to the ladies, AFTER being socially proofed in front of them...this clearly made a huge difference as they were qualifying me left and right.
"Do you know him?"
"What's your name?"
"Can I touch your hair?"
I run my planned opener just for shits and giggles...not bc I need to......At this point I'm thinking chess moves. The two girls are seated at the bar, HBBoyshorts is my target, I need to be locked in.
Groove: Here let me show you a trick....give me your hand.
HB complies as I spin her and sit in her seat.....
Groove: There....I tricked you.
HB punches me in shoulder.
Now I'm locked in and start working HBJeanSkirt. I make nice with them both then excuse myself to "find my friends."
HBBoyshorts: Aww...ok....but come back and hang out with us, we're cool.
I think this was pretty strategically done. A minor take away in the form of leaving briefly. Also it would allow me to gauge their interest upon my re-approach.
Chill for 15 with the boys. APB notes some things to me about the set. Upon my re-approach I notice something.....there's now about 5 girls there with my set. Good, I can use this. I re-open target:
Groove: What so now you're just letting anyone sit in your seat huh?
HB:blah blah
Groove: don't be rude....introduce me to your friends.
I get names...befriend everyone....and somehow manage to get locked in a seat at the bar. Now I'm seated.....high-five the bartender that I know and order a drink.....with 5 girls around me.
Various losers keep coming up and trying to meet these girls and they CONTINUALLY eye code me....at one point HBBoyshorts actually says "help" to me.
Time to make something happen.
At this point I had to downgrade my target...I switch from HBBoyshorts to HBJeanSkirt as I was getting a LOT of IOIs from her and she was standing right beside me. Pull her in....kino heavily....and begin to establish deep rapport. I move her in front of me...standing between me and the rest of the girls....and standing between my legs....pulled in tightly.
This is a great kino move if you're seated in high barstools. pull her btwn your legs and talk in her ear. I wasn't using any routines really at this point....I had enough social proof from the environment and her level of interest and BT that I knew I was in.
Groove: Here baby...kiss me here.....One cheek. Two cheeks. Lips....make out ensues.
Right in front of friends. God....APB I know you had to bounce your girl....but I wish you coulda been there to see this....it went down just like you said.
We go dance....and then.....VOILA! Bust out APB's pattented "dancing to hand-job routine"
Dude.....that shit is MONEY. Man you're a mad genius for coming up with that stuff. 100% field tested and WORKS.
I'm not gonna type it up here for you guys bc I don't have permission to.....but I think he might briefly discuss it over on his blog.
Lots of heavy make out and petting on dance floor. Closing time.
We all leave....me and 4 girls....and head out to their car.
This is where I encounter a series of unfortunate events that prevents the SNL from happening.
HBJeanSkirt gets sick. Like....way sick....like....throw up in the parking lot sick. Fuck. I had no idea she had that much to drink. She was very lucid in the bar.
Groove: My friends left me....here...just drive me back to your place and i'll call them from there.
HB: We live in Rockwall....it's 45 min away from your place.
Well damn. I have them drop me off at a gas station and call my friend to pick me up. But not before solidly number closing two of them with plans to hang out next week. In retrospect it was about all I could have done in that situation. What would have been better is for me to have planned logistics at the beginning of the night.....like, having my own ride there. I'm realizing more and more the importance of having a very explicit plan for the bounce in mind BEFORE ENTERING THE VENUE. do not....and I mean DO NOT leave it up to chance if you want the SNL.
That is all.
For the full explaination of this technique, you either have to watch Cliff's List 2006 DVDs or attend one of my, potentially, life changing bootcamps. Later, gents, I've got places to be and people to do.

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