My First Approach on the Third Night - Huge Breasted, Hot Blonde Hired Gun HB10:Without doing a single warm up set, I demonstrated a Direct Approach on this hot blonde hired gun. Definitely one of the hottest girls I opened that night and generally the type of girls I like anyway.
My Direct Opener is a variation of one of Shark's golden lines, "I don't mean to embarass you... but I just had to introduce myself... and say that I think you... Are... Stunningly... Beautiful ."
It went pretty well, she lit up like a Christmas tree, she was very warm and receptive, the conversation went well, but it eventually ended shortly later when she said she had a boyfriend (obviously a reality and truism with all beautiful women everywhere). Small attempts at boyfriend destroying, but I didn't push hard as I had a live field session to teach.
Kiss Closes:"I'm... too sexy for my shirt... too sexy... it hurts!" I think Papi and I both kiss closed the blonde in the right picture too. And no, I'm not drunk in the second picture, I'm just being dance gangbanged by both girls.
Fashionably Edgey with Toy Machine and Groove:Whether it's a (aff link)
kick ass leather jacket or full on tuxedo action, I'm always the coolest Asian mofo in the club.
Girl Goes for a Makeout-Close with an APB Student:Once you go Asian... you can't go Caucasian!
APB Students Showing Love to Women of all Colors!White, black, Asian, hispanic, hey... they all need good loving!
Groove Doing What He Does Best...Being groovey! I think he kiss-closed the curly haired brunette in the right picture too.
Fear is the Mind Killer:"20 feet away, hot blond, lone wolf, seated set, use a Direct Opener! Go! Go! Go!" Student stayed in isolatation with the MILF (left picture) for almost an entire hour after going in with a direct opener that we taught him in class.
For the two set where he mini-isolated the brunette, I believe he went in with my field tested, not going to be found online anywhere,
"Ken and Barbie Opener."
P.S. The student just e-mailed me saying he reapproached (I teach Reboot and Reapproach Lines) that blonde he was in isolation using Direct Game in the left picture and kiss closed her. Props to you bro!