With my new Alumni Forum- The Playboy Club- I've uploaded some two dozen pictures of various girls I've hooked up with.
These include:
- Hired Gun Lay #1 from my free newsletter, APB's Confidential Case Files #1.
- Hired Gun Lay #2 from Case Files #2.
- Stripper lay.
- Lay from the post: "To Pull or Not to Pull"
- Blonde hottie I stole from the guy and made out with in front of Student Oberion in his Bootcamp Report 1, Day 2: Bars! Bars! Bars!
- More on the way!!!
Anyways, I've also included teasers for those of you unlucky enough not to be an APB Alumni. So without further ado...
Gratuitous Cleavage Shot of the Hired Gun Lay #1 from Case Files #1

Gratuitous Cleavage Shot of Blonde Hottie I Made Out With from Oberion's Bootcamp Report

Leg Shot for you Leg Men of a Stripper Lay

So what are the benefits of becoming an APB Alumni? Well...
- Personalized, hands on bootcamp at the most reasonable price you'll find (For now, another tuition increase is imminent).
- Access to the Playboy Club that has ultra-exclusive content shared with only fellow alumni (ie pics, reports, and tactics)
- Lifetime support from yours truly. I still have students that call, e-mail, and text message me every week on their various sticking points.
- Opportuntity to network and build a support structure in pick up, life, and business.
So what are you waiting for?

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