"It was essentially a guaranteed lay when she offered zero resistance to Extraction by ditching all her friends and car to come home with me.
Alas, the Logistical Gods decided otherwise."
Now that I have an exclusive forum, I will be putting up more reports, but not on the blog due to anonymity/legal reasons (all pics and posts are private and all members are personally vetted/taught by me).
I may dissect various reports in the [Confidential] Asian Playboy Case Files: A Free Newsletter with Exclusive Non-Blog Content in the future as I did in previous Case Files (Yes, I know I'm behind on it!).
The full report can be found in the private alumni forum, The Playboy Club, including pics of me & her, us necking, and two bikini shots of her. It was essentially a guaranteed lay when she offered zero resistance to Extraction by ditching all her friends and car to come home with me.
Alas, the Logistical Gods decided otherwise.
Usually I have total control of my logistics, but due to unforeseen circumstances this month... Well, let's just say currently my situation is a logistical nightmare due to traveling, car, between moving places, missing keys, family and a shit load of other problems that happened early this month.
Ah, well.
Alumni and Students can go directly to [4 Pics + Bikini Shots] Missed Lay Report: The All Mighty Logistical Fuck Up.
Former Bootcamp Program Attendees should register and officially request access per these instructions.

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