I will be having a bootcamp in Los Angeles next week.
I would absolutely love to touch base with every one over dinner if your schedule permits. I'm thinking of a Saturday or more likely Sunday dinner down in Hollywood would be best (hotel will be based in West Hollywood) at say 8:30. Let me know your preference.
Please RSVP as this will be a great opportuntity to meet fellow alumni, like minded PUAs/wingman, pick everyone's brain, and just have a good time. A support structure to enable your progress to rockstar PUAdom and general enjoyment of life is very essential to success in all aspects.
A fashion excursion down to the hip, fashion forward Melrose will also be held on Sunday.
And remember, all alumni should feel free to call/txt msg me (usually not during bootcamps though this weekend should be cool). I look forward to seeing each and everyone one of you.

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