(APB: "I'm... too sexy for my shirt...

... too sexy for my shirt...
... too sexy... IT HURTS!")
Steve Piccus and Kendra from Authentic Man Program (Picture from 2006 Cliff's List in Montreal)
(Steve Piccus: "My mind... to your mind... my thoughts... to your thoughts..."Kendra: "Listen buster, I grok Lt. Sulu, not Spock!")
Michael the Dating Wizard (Picture from 2006 Cliff's List in Montreal)
(Michael: "I'm the REAL Wizard! Mystery ain't got NOTHING ON ME!")
Nige54, Australian Dating Coach & Author of "Around the World in 80 Babes" (Picture from 2006 Cliff's List in Montreal)
(Nige54: "... and I was a part-time Chippendales dancer for the Thunder Down Under Tour.")Feel free to add your own funny and outrageous captions!