Misc. Announcements for APB's Dating and Seduction Tips for Men


1. LEAVE CONTACT INFORMATION: E. A. Wong from NYC, please provide contact information, if you want me to get in touch with you with regards to a seduction workshop (currently have a 2on1 seduction workshop scheduled for New York in April). Sorry, can't do anything if you don't leave either an e-mail or a phone number.

2. NEW SEDUCTION BOOTCAMP/WORKSHOP CALENDAR FUNCTION: I've added a new calendar function so that you can visually see what workshops, bootcamps, and other events I have scheduled. It's quite nice, but the old text only schedule is also still available.

Seduction Workshop and Bootcamp Calendar for Asian Playboy

You can see from my calendar that the month of March looks to be a very busy time. If you are interested in the weekends that are still available or to set up a future appointment, please look at the calendar and see what dates are available and what suits your schedule before contacting me through my convenient online form for a free phone consultation.

I try and respond to e-mails when I have time, but I get like a good dozen a day ranging from words of encouragement, petty flames, wanting to set up an appointment and/or phone consultation to asking for dating advice on a person's particular situation, girl, skillset, etc.

So if I haven't responded to you yet, I'm not ignoring it, I need time to go through all of them, so try again later on. The ones that are asking for advice on their particular, unique, oneitis situation are, of course, the most difficult to get to but I do try and usually include them as part my monthly seduction newsletter.

4. SPECIFIC QUESTIONS ARE BETTER: Generally specific questions are better than asking, "What can I do to improve my game and get the girls?" Uh, a lot to maybe very little, depends on the person.

5. NEW GUEST BLOGGER: I may be adding a new guest blogger to APB's Dating Advice and Seduction Tips for Men. It's not definite, but I think you guys will be pleased from hearing this person's viewpoint and perspective on the entire dating, seduction and pick up scene.

6. ONE DAY BOOTCAMPS IN MARCH: I've tentatively scheduled some 1on1 One Day Introductory Bootcamps for March. March is starting to look pretty booked and I'm already half booked for April.

7. MARCH RATE HIKE: Final reminder, the cost of the Three Day Seduction Workshops increase to $750 starting in March.

8. INTERVIEW WITH BG: I just got down with an interview with BG, from The Life of BG. He's the moderator of the Netherlands Seduction Lounge. Once their newsletter goes out, I'll put up the hard hitting expose that BG is writing one me for reading gratification.

9. E-SEDUCTION COURSES: Well, I've had overwhelming responses to this idea. It's going to take me a while to come up with some material for around seven courses with missions as well as replacing my current subscription service. So give it a month or so depending on how things work out. Stay tuned and I'll let you guys know!

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