There Are No Cowards In Pick-Up

A pick up artist, by definition, is a man who has chosen to improve his romance and dating options despite having been born with less than the best looks, less than the tallest body, less than the best physique, and less than the best natural ability to charm women. He has decided to take responsibility for his own life, man up, and strive to improve himself.

It's the enemy of every pickup artist, and every man who wants to improve his romance and dating options. It is a powerful force within you that can be ever so persuasive, any time of the day. It is the evil that lies beneath the surface.

After having taught bootcamps on five continents, 20 different cities across the world, and coached hundreds of students over several thousand hours, trust me, I've seen the demon of inaction rear its ugly head, time and time again.

How easy is it to do nothing? How easy is it to just "let things happen?" How easy is it to "just stay the way you are?" That my friend, is the allure of inaction. But it is not the presence of inaction in a man's life that makes him less of a man.

A coward makes excuses for his inaction.

A real man recognizes his inaction, and takes steps to implement change in his life. He makes no excuses.

A pick up artist, by definition, is a man who has chosen to improve his romance and dating options despite having been born with less than the best looks, less than the tallest body, less than the best physique, and less than the best natural ability to charm women. He has decided to take responsibility for his own life, man up, and strive to improve himself.

There are no cowards in pickup.

How does a boy-- socially inexperienced, sexually inexperienced, and unsuccessful for his entire life at romantically connecting with women-- become a man with real confidence living a fife full of romantic options?

By recognizing his inaction, and taking the crucial first step in implementing change in his life: signing up for an ABCs of Attraction Bootcamp. But the proof is in the pudding, so here's what Ace from New York City said after taking his life transforming program:

"Taking the boot camp is a whole different ballgame than reading an Ebook. I think JW said it best that if you look for “free” pick up material on torrent sites, you are not serious about changing and even if you manage to pirate one of the ebooks; you are probably going to skim through it looking for the magic pill and not take it seriously. By making an investment, not only you have a desire to change but you actually have to do it instead of just fantasizing about it."

-Ace from New York City, New York, USA
We can help you get there, but you have to take the first step in deciding for yourself that you want to turn your romance life around. You have to decide for yourself that you no longer want to be the coward who makes excuses for his inaction.

Destroy the demon of inaction-- click here to sign up for your bootcamp today.


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