Overcoming Beginner's Hell - Part 3 - Lifestyle

During the bootcamp, APB said to me: "Your game will only be as good as your life." . . .

There seems to be a commonality among most ABC students. They've realized the things they need to do to improve their lives to become a better PUA and a better man.
Gatsby here.

During the bootcamp, APB said to me: "Your game will only be as good as your life."

By the end of the bootcamp, I understood what he was saying and was ready to make changes and additions in my life.

Part 1 of "Overcoming Beginner's Hell" series deals with Identity. Part 3 is Lifestyle. While your identity deals with your CORE identity (i.e. doctor, businessman, lawyer, engineer, etc.), lifestyle deals with 1) What do you do outside of work? 2) What do you like to do? / What are your hobbies?

All the instructors in the ABC team have solid identities AND lifestyles. For example:

  • APB: a "consultant" who's well-traveled all around the world.
  • Johnny Wolf: an extremely well-rounded and social person with the professional skills to be an IT engineer, marketer, and a party promoter and also a great cook and lover of cats and food.
  • Toy Machine: a lover of music, very skilled musician.
  • Quality: businessman who's also a certified salsa dancer and fluent in Spanish.

    An ABC bootcamp forces you to look at yourself honestly, in a holistic way.
    1) As you come up with DHV stories for your routine stack from your personal life, you realize that you may have a ton of stories for one or couple of attraction switches, but very few for some. For me, I didn't have ANY protector of loved ones stories while I had a TON for successful man stories.
    2) The feedback you receive from instructors is honest and non-filtered. The ABC instructors have seen hundreds of students and will tell you what aspects of your life and personality that you need to work on.

    There seems to be a commonality among most ABC students. They've realized the things they need to do to improve their lives to become a better PUA and a better man.

  • Me: I began to take personal protection classes after realizing that I'm afraid of bigger guys. I also began working out and getting fit. I began to take hip hop / dance classes because I realized I have no rhythm during the bootcamp.
  • Reformation76: Began attending Toastmasters meetings to improve his speaking and tonality skills, especially to groups.
  • Man Cannon: Began taking Chinese classes and also began studying personal development. He also began taking street fighting classes.
  • Tall Azn: Began taking an arts class to explore his interests.
  • Yellow Cab: Took several improv classes to improve his speaking abilities.
  • Obe: Took up new hobbies like paintballing and weightlifting. Also took hip hop classes to work on dance game.
  • Warren: Started to focus more on building and promoting his personal protection business to stabilize his finances.

    Do you have a lifestyle that you enjoy and girls would enjoy as well? Do you have hobbies that you like to do in your spare time?

    Do you have areas of your life you want to add on and improve upon? Maybe new activities to round out who you are and improve skillsets?

    There are three benefits to this.
    1) Your life is more fulfilling.
    2) You have cool stories to tell people, including girls.
    3) You develop a lifestyle that people want to be part of.

    Again, your game is only as good as your life.

    Take an ABC of Attraction bootcamp and make steps at improving your life.


    Overcoming Beginner's Hell - Part 1 - Identity
    Overcoming Beginner's Hell - Part 2 - Support Network
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