4 Ways to Build Comfort with Women

When you're uncomfortable around a woman this can be conveyed in numerous ways. It can be identified through the choice of words you use, your tone, body language, and other forms of non-verbal communication. A man who is accustomed to being with beautiful and intelligent women behaves like a man who has choices with these types of women.
The better you are at making the woman comfortable is when you will get much better at keeping the woman with you. I've seen a lot of situations in which the woman isn't entirely comfortable with the man she's with and will either leave when given the opportunity or escorted away by someone else.

You can have her buying temperature really high and she may even want to sleep with you but that can all change very quickly.

How many times have you had a woman get taken away from you by her friend to go to the bathroom at the nightclub?

How many times have you seen another guy try to take a girl away from you?

There are external methods that we teach at the ABCs of Attraction to prevent this from happening and they work well. However, we also teach how to make things easier for you so that you put in minimal effort to get the girl with the best results.

Having the ability to build comfort with a woman in any setting will make it so that you won't have to try so hard to deal with external circumstances that can ruin a good time. Here are a few things to keep in mind when building comfort with a woman:

1. Don't force anything

No matter how you convey this to a woman it should be important to let her know that she isn't being forced for any reason to be with you. If she's with you, she should be with you because she likes you.

Hookups for anything or other forms of supplication means that the only reason for why she's with you are for those reasons only. A low valued male will use these perks to keep the woman by threatening to take them away.

Another thing low valued males do is put women on a guilt trip to keep them around. Some guys will physically prevent women from walking away which I've seen and look down upon.

Women will feel like they are in danger if a guy gets physical with them and that is obviously counterproductive to making a woman feel comfortable.

Maintaining self control and being relaxed around a woman let her know that she can be herself around you. Since she isn't feeling pressured into doing anything or behaving a certain way; she will feel more free to express herself to you.

This is where you will have women more receptive to your sexual advances.

2. Test for compliance...

We teach this extensively at the ABCs of Attraction bootcamps. It's essential for you to understand this concept when building comfort with a woman. You'll find it extremely difficult to have sex with a woman upon first meeting her by simply whipping out your penis.

It just doesn't work that way. You have to gradually build up to that type of comfort. You test for compliance by checking to see how much she's willing to go along with what you're doing. If she lets you kiss her on the lips then she most likely will let you kiss her on the cheeks.

Testing for compliance lets the woman know that you're not going to either manipulate her or force yourself upon her while still giving her the option to stay with you or not.

3. You must be comfortable

When you're uncomfortable around a woman this can be conveyed in numerous ways. It can be identified through the choice of words you use, your tone, body language, and other forms of non-verbal communication. A man who is accustomed to being with beautiful and intelligent women behaves like a man who has choices with these types of women.

If you're uncomfortable being around beautiful women then make it a point to start getting in some experience with beautiful women. You'll realize that they're not too different from everybody else, but in order to get past their physical beauty you need to make it a point to internalize the belief that beauty is common.

4. Be around women

Whether it's a sister, a friend, or a co-worker it really helps to have women around you. When you're around other women it shows that you can be with women and not be a creep about it. You're most likely not a rapist if you have women around you often and safety is important to a woman.

To learn more about this check out the article on the Importance of Having Female Friends.

These are just a few ways to help you get an idea of how comfort works when you're attempting to game women. The more you are able to connect with a woman, the better you will be at generating comfort.

The whole concept of making people feel comfortable around you stems from how socially experienced you are which can encompass your conversational skills, knowledge of social rules, emotional intelligence, and other social factors. Knowing how important it is to make a woman comfortable is a big step in keeping women with you.

This is what it means when we say that the ABCs of Attraction teaches "Holistic Game." Its a combination of all the factors that take a beginner to an expert, combining Verbal Attraction, Inner Game, and Outer Confidence into one supremely confident whole MAN.


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