The dude actually followed us in his car, tracked us for a while, sees I'm taking her home, and then sends a text message to the effect, "I can't believe you're going home with him! You do know Asians have small penises, right?!"
A little too tired to care much since I just got back from New York, but thought I'd share this little anecdote from tonight.
Headed out to meet some social circle girlfriends at a bar in Addison. They bounced- ADD being what it is- to downtown Dallas while I met up with Captain Jack, KinoMaster, and Second Chance since we were all in the area. Shot the breeze with my fellow PUAs and then rolled out to meet the girls.
Hung out at the new venue, ran into a dancer that I've been seeing on and off. A well-connected nightlifer, who apparently has a flame for her, is trying to spit Game and so forth. He's also acting cool to my face, but it's all a facade.
She becomes terribly uncomfortable and we book to my car. The dude actually followed us in his car, tracked us for a while, sees I'm taking her home, and then sends a text message to the effect, "I can't believe you're going home with him! You do know Asians have small penises, right?!"
This shit used to perturb the crap out of me, but it's just par for course, so to speak. Thicker skin or too tired to care about that bullshit anymore, take your pick.

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