Then, point blank, I asked her, "Hey, was race an issue for you when he approached you?"
She paused, looked at the "Asian Justin Timberlake" and said, "He's cute, but yeah, race IS an issue for me. I don't date outside of white men and I most definitely won't sleep with someone who isn't white.""
-Asian Playboy
Update: I have struck out the single sentence that I exaggerated. Read the comments section for her rebuttal and point of view.
Tonight, I was with my two Asian students. Two great guys that have a lot of potential to succeed not only in life, but with women as well.
Now, one of my students, was described by a cute blonde the previous night as an "Asian Justin Timberlake."
This night, he approached a two set of women at Libation down on Ludlow Street here in New York. The primary target was a cute, but not hot, blonde girl with her average, semi-chubby brunette friend.
He ended up getting blown out when she asked, "Did you read the Game? Are you one of those Pick Up Artists?"
The ironic thing being that the opener was based on real life events happening in his life. But I suppose the overall structure was similar enough to be recognized.
Later on, I was sitting down when she walked past my table. I projection stopped her by projecting, "Hey! You!"
Stunned, she turned to me and I waved her over, to which I opened, "I hear you and I have a mutual friend." Blah, blah, blah. We have a couple of laughs, etc.
Long story short, I debriefed her on my Asian students and she gave me her blunt assessment of the guys. Then, point blank, I asked her, "Hey, was race an issue for you when he approached you?"
She paused, looked at the "Asian Justin Timberlake" and said, "He's cute, but yeah, race IS an issue for me. I don't date outside of white men and I most definitely won't sleep with someone who isn't white."
From the proverbial horse's mouth, gentlemen.
Now, some of you might rage and froth at the mouth. To me, that just reconfirms the status quo.
An Asian Pick Up Artist has to do one of many things, namely:
- Be better.
- Play better.
- And Game harder.
There is no Second Best in Pick Up. No one gets a trophy for coming in second place in Pick Up. There is only LAID or NOT LAID.
And in order to get laid as an Asian American Man, YOU HAVE TO BE BETTER THAN EVERYONE ELSE.

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