7. Body (Looks) – There are two things under which you have control over that will help attract women to you. There’s your physique and there’s your body language.
B. Body Language – First impressions matter and they’re conveyed within seconds. Are you relaxed? Do you look like you’re having a good time? Do you seem confident? Are you the bad boy? Or are you the social butterfly everyone wants to be around?
Having good body language can help you convey many of the attractive qualities that I listed previously. In manner ways, it’s the ENABLER for all attraction switches. Being relaxed in a highly chaotic, socially uncomfortable situation (like clubs) means that you’re comfortable, non-nervous, and used to being social. This is where you sit down and take a lot of space with your arms and legs. It’s when you stand up and plant yourself with your legs spread wide. You’re IN CONTROL. You’re alpha. You’re dominant.
It’s also when you SMILE. This is also VERY essential to Asian men. A lot of non-Asians have a VERY hard time discerning our facial expressions. Even a neutral look on our part might make us look angry or upset. That may work if you’re a dyed in the wool thug and bad boy, but for the rest of us SMILE. There are plenty of smiling exercises that you can do, but bottom line is that ou should walk into a club smiling and looking like you own the place. It makes you appear safe, approachable, and friendly. And if your teeth are off-white, use those $30 Crest White Strips. They work and they’re inexpensive.
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