If you weren't an ABCs Avid Reader, then last week you didn't get the first exclusive shot at a free downloadable PDF file and three of my teaser video clips. Like:
- Summit Presentation on My First Ever Approach
- Bootcamp Footage on Two of the Four Different Approaches
- Sexual Conversation, Topics, & Innuendo
Well, buck up because I'm making all three video clips widely available now (just click "Continue" below for the full post).
HOWEVER, if you WANT even MORE video clips from the Summit AND Bootcamp Footage, then you need to sign up as an ABCs Avid Reader to get NEXT MONDAY'S DOWNLOAD (and no, it WON'T be available in the same place EXCEPT in the Newsletter and then later archived linked in one central place)!
Anyways download away...
Right Click and Select 'Save Target As' To Download This PDF!
At the 2007 Global Seduction PUA Summit, I spoke for an hour about the concept of Beginner’s Hell which also exists in dance. And how, while it usually takes dancers about 6 months to go through it, for those of us who are learning how to be better successful with women, we also have to employ our body, our mind, our mouth, AND our lifestyle.
Which is why it can take SIX MONTHS to even TWO YEARS to finally “make it!.” If getting good at attracting and picking up women was easy, EVERYONE would be doing it.
In the powerpoint presentation turned pdf file, I go over "Beginner's Hell" and some general tips to get you through that long ride through the darkness until you finally see the light.
Click"Continue" to read about how to how to easily access three of my videos now being readily archive linked in just one area.
All three videos (and soon more) will be available on our ABCs of Attraction YouTube Video Gallery. All you need to do is:
1. Register
2. Input the alphanumeric code
3. Open your email box
4. Confirm your email address by clicking the activation link
5. Tada!
You now have have access to all the Member's only sections like Field Reports, Tactics, and more.
But remember, next week I'm putting out some more, but FIRST only available to ABCs Avid Readers.
I talk about and reenact my first ever approach: a mixed set of hot sororitygirls and one meathead monkey at Saddle Ranch.
Using, of all things, the played out, "Who lies more?"
Absolutely traumatic...
Bootcamp Footage of the components of approaching a woman: BodyLanguage (Passive Value) and Verbal Opener (Active Value)
Here, I only went through TWO WAYS and not the ABCs approach method which I consider more versatile that combines a little of both Direct & Indirect.
Somewhere down the line, we still need to edit the AMOG Battle Royale where we ALL AMOG BATTLED OUT ON THE STREETS in front of the Standard Hotel on Sunset blvd.

P.S. I need you guys to ROCK THE POLL! I've got 60 votes this Friday and we need to shoot for 100 so go ahead so throw in your two cents in the right hand column there. Labels: Approach Anxiety, Beginner's Hell, Download, Global Pick Up Artist's Seduction Summit, Sexual Escalation, Video, YouTube