"[APB] can literally shave your learning curve from what could have taken a solid half year of going out on your own, and steer you in the RIGHT direction in 3 solid days...
Needless to say, 5 months later, I now have HBs that hold my dick for me.
Thanks APB!"
From Toronto, I'm proud to give you a bootcamp testimonial from Soundwave who took a program with me many moons ago. The curious thing about those guys who get good is that they stop wasting time to post, dicking around the internet and basically you never hear from them again because they've got a full life to live.
Anyways, I appreciate him taking the time away from having his cock held by his girls to give his two cents.
"This testimonial was WAAAAY overdue. Like five months overdue.. lol.
Anyway… back in the beginning of May 2006, I flew Asian Playboy over to Toronto to help me out. Simply put, Asian Playboy taught me what I needed to know about Game in order to hit the ground running, rather than floundering as a keyboard jockey/AFC and holding my dick in my hands on the sidelines of clubs and bars. While APB openly admits that anyone being able to learn Game for free online through various material that you might stumble upon...
He can literally shave your learning curve from what could have taken a solid half year of going out on your own, and steer you in the RIGHT direction in 3 solid days. I highly recommended APB’s bootcamp for those who WANT and are COMMITTED to handling this part of their life. This just isn’t for guys who are Asian trying to break their limiting beliefs (such as myself, at the time), but it is applicable to anyone from all walks of life regardless of skill level.
APB knows his shit inside out in terms of theory. Be it indirect, direct or "natural", you're in good hands when you're under APB's tutelage.
APB puts the time and effort to customize and cater the program to your needs so you get the most value out of it, be it a 1on1 or 2on1 bootcamp. Keep in mind, however, this is NOT for the faint of heart. You WILL be pushed to your limits and out of comfort level.
While he openly stated to me that, “You didn’t fly me out here to be your friend, you flew me out here to get this part of your life handled”, APB still gave me the impression that he genuinely cared about me succeeding in this part of my life. Needless to say, 5 months later, I now have HBs that hold my dick for me.
Thanks APB!"
-Soundwave (Toronto, Canada)

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