For those that aren't aware, I will be speaking for 30 minutes at Cliff's List Seduction Conference in Montreal. Probably one of the biggest, if not THE biggest Pick Up Artist community events for this year. I'll also be doing a behind the scenes interview for Cliff's DVD series about being an Asian Pick Up Artist.
Cliff will be hosting some of the big names and some of the not so big names. On Saturday, I will be speaking from 7:15PM to 7:45PM.
It will actually be one of the biggest events I've attended so I'm not entirely sure what will happen, but I hope to bring my public speaking A-Game, meet some cool people in the community, and hang out with my fellow brothers.
Furthermore, after July 4th, I will be increasing my rates by $150. So group bootcamp rates will be $900 and exclusive 1on1 rates will be $1050 whereas it is currently $750 for a group bootcamp and $900 for an exclusive.
The reason I'm increasing my prices is to be more competitive as I've spent this entire year finetuning my instructing chops, my syllabus, and I know that I bring a lot to the table not only during the lecture/seminar portion, but also the field exercises. This year, I've done constant back to back bootcamps from Dallas, to Canada, to California, to Atlanta and I feel that I'm TRULY making a difference in my client and student's life.
However, you can still lock-in the current rate.
You can still sign up for a bootcamp under the old rate IF you sign up and send in a deposit (only $250 for a group bootcamp and $300 for an exclusive mentorship) ON OR BEFORE JULY 4th...
Not to toot my own horn, but where else are you going to receive the same type of customized teaching and hands on training from an experienced PUA when other bootcamps have 8 plus people and only one or two instructors?
I pride myself in addressing the client's sticking points and trying to make things work for him. Yes, I am a Drill Sargeant. Yes, I can be tough. But that's why I'm here... to PUSH you to succeed. To be the MAN that you were ALWAYS MEANT TO BE.
Not someone else's clone, but to CONVEY YOUR PERSONALITY.
So if you are seriously interested or mildly to moderately interested or even unsure if it's right for you, feel free to drop me a line. There's a free phone consultation for every bootcamp signee where we concentrate on you, where you are in the Game, and what you want to achieve.

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