P.S. For a limited time, if you purchase ANY product at the ABCs Store, you'll receive a FREE 2-hour audio seminar. If you purchase the entire Storytelling Bundle (with $70 DVD and $10 eBook), this what you'll get:This DVD was a graduation gift from APB for being a part of his LA bootcamp. This DVD is packed with a ton of information, over 2 hours in length so its meant to be watched multiple times.
I ended up watching it twice to catch all the info.
The DVD starts with APB and some of his students demonstrating the mechanics which involve BLP, tonality and everything nonverbal to communicate a good story. The entire presentation is a intricate weave of student's sharing their version of stories and the experts, APB, Johnny Wolf reworking it into seduction tales. Its truly a sight to watch.
In the following I will share my experience of what I took from the DVD.
Storytelling can be one of the most nerve-wracking things for me to do in front of a HB. During the past June 5-9th boot-camp (read my 3-day bootcamp review here or watch my video testimonial), I would always brain fart when I realized I needed a story.
It felt unnatural to be telling stories that were meant to attract a woman at all moments, usually I tell a combination of fluff and attraction switch stories but never consistently dishing out attraction switch story after attraction story.Now after watching the DVD I realized I missed a few key aspects of story telling:
There was a time in my life where I told stories of me engaged in very macho behaviors, like dating tons of women, climbing mountain peaks and doing big stunts. Stories that just made me into this powerful, super-sexed up man. Coincidently, this switch only worked on girls who were high energy and very easygoing to the partying atmosphere.
- Incorporating stories that stimulate all the senses
- Using stories build buying temperature
- Being expressive with your facial expressions
- Tonality
- Recognizing the type of girl your interacting with and which attraction switch to use
Usually these girls exhibited lots of ADD symptoms and needed to be redirected back to me at all times. Many girls that I met at school didn't exhibit these traits and were more the quiet and get to know you type of people
In this stage of my PUA journey, I am relatively okay at approaching, BT ups and downs, comfort, and at moments direct. What I am not so good at is keeping a girl through 3rd, 4th dates or getting them to the sex. But I know I will progress with timeCouple of really key points that are instrumental to storytelling:
The lessons in the DVD were really helpful in reminding me of key things to watch for when telling a story, like not telling it to a girl, but including her. Incorporating kino, stimulate her senses, DHV, hit attraction switches. All key points to any good story.
- Always leave open threads, or keyword links in a story.
- Don't brag your DHV's, simply hint.
- Always end a story with punchline, whether it be emotional, or funny.
- Take out anything that is fluff.
- Structure of a good story, use open threads to bait and seed, build suspense.
- Nervous tell: don't talk too much, slow down and use suspense instead of being silent
I enjoyed this DVD very much. The lessons also go beyond just storytelling, it talks about what signs to watch for IOI.
I believe a good story teller is key to longevity in a relationship so this DVD is not just good for people who want to date, but for those in long term relationships.
Labels: Building Attraction through Storytelling, DVD Reviews, Ebook