One Year Anniversary: The Prohpet and APB One Day Program

[UPDATE: We are now are starting up a waiting list as we've had enough RSVPs.

People should feel free to continue contacting me as there may be cancellations or those who can't put down a deposit.

Details still being hammered so stay tuned.]

Last year around this time, me and Prophet- former MM instructor-, held the first ever free one day workshop complete with 4 hour lecture AND field work at the VIP of a huge club.

Gentlemen, Prophet and I will be combining forces once again to give Texas PUAs the highest quality one day workshop- short of Mystery himself- that Texas has witnessed. 40 fucking dudes and we got them in without waiting in line and without a massive cock farm.

You can read what several of the Dallas neophytes had to say about us here as well as my workshop and bootcamp students, as well as mainstream magazine.

This will be bigger, better, AND smaller than the insane 40 person workshop (that all the other professionals said was an insane attempt). I'm not bragging or bullshitting you.

When Prophet and I both stormed Dallas, we were and continue to be the best PUAs in all of Dallas. Arrogant? Hell yeah. But there's a reason for it and one of those reasons is that we always pushed each other to do better.

There is no second place in PU. No nice blue ribbon as an honorable mention. There is simply laid and not laid. It's the hard truth and I don't sugar coat.

And now we're here to hold the same program for you guys in December. Seats ARE limited and we will be having myself and Prophet as the primary instructor with several guest approach coaches.

This is not free as it was last time (sans $20 club cover).

This is not about pseudo-Inner Game or theory. This is the top of the line techniques and field tested material we have.

Prophet will be talking about Verbal Game and I will be discussing subcommunication via body language and passive value.

As Groove and Danger have both testified too, I am the expert on BLP - body language positioning- and sexual subcommunication. You can be interesting and still not seducing. You're not a PUA because you have interesting conversations. You're a PUA when you consistently SEDUCE.

And we're going to work on both those aspects.

You have an opportunity to learn from the best including all new material, so it's time to take the opportunity.

Feel free to discuss and ask questions, but we will only be taking 8 students for an intense 12 hour experience that will rival last year's free 40 man bootcamp.

For FRs, LRs, and testimonials, you can check out my compiled list of student bootcamp testimonials and submitted handjob/blowjob/makeout/lay reports...

Indirect, direct, doesn't fucking matter. We don't teach relationships. We don't teach Inner Game. We teach how to get fucking laid. Period.

Serious inquiries for the December program only. Other than Mystery, this will be the highest quality one day program you'll most likely ever take.

Asian Playboy
Field Tested. PUA Approved.

Sign up via my contact form. Unless we bring in another professional instructor, only 8 serious applicants will be taken for the December program. Details to come so stay tuned!