What Kezia Noble Thinks About Asian Men

[UPDATE: Watch this interview with one of Kezia's wing girl who LOVES Asian men and her advice to them on how to pick up attractive white girls like her!]

I have exciting news for everyone on both sides of the Atlantic. The ABCs of Attraction is bringing you a ONCE IN A LIFETIME EVENT! The World's Greatest Asian Pick Up Artist is combining forces with the Top Female Pick Up Trainer for a PUA ALL STAR WORKSHOP on April 23rd.

But before I get to that, I just HAVE to give you guys an EXPLOSIVE interview that I did with Kezia Noble, the Top Female Pick up Trainer from PUA Training. What she has to say about Asian men is a REVEALING expose on not only what a beautiful woman thinks of Asian men, but also the rare point of view from one versed in the pick up arts and how to effectively teach men the art of flirting and confidence.
"The reason I have not dated an Asian man, is because I have only ever been approached by 2 in my whole life (they were Japanese). I have always assumed I'm not their type physically..."
-Kezia Noble

However, most importantly, the always insightful and beautiful Kezia Noble confirms what I've been espousing all along, that we as men- whether we're Asian, Indian, black, latino or white- have the choice to take control of our own dating lifestyle. While I think we would all love to be tall, dark and handsome, I know I can "settle" for being short, stunning, and smooth.

Read on for her salacious secrets. And at the end, find out how you can be put of this growing movement changing men's lives around the globe.

APB: "Kezia, tell our readers what makes you uniquely qualified and talented to be the Top Female Pick Up Trainer in the world?"
Kezia: "When I started out in the community as a wing girl, I noticed that the other wing girls and so called female dating coaches were giving fairly vague, nice, but ultimatley uselss advice. From the very start I decided to be 100 percent honest with each and evry mae student who wanted my advice, which earned e the repuatation for being 'a bitch with a heart' Men desperatley want to get an HONEST female view point as long as its constructive and not mean for the sake of being mean,

My techniques and feedback are born form my personal experience with 'naturals' (both Alpha and Beta) combined with the knowledge I have been lucky enough to obtainn from some of the most succesful pick up artists and seduction gurus in the community. Which is what makes my techniques so unique.

I also hold NO emotional baggage from my personal experience with ex boyfriends/lovers which can often clouds a girls view of men."

APB: "As a white woman, have you ever dated outside your race, specifically Asian or Indian? Why or why not?"
Kezia: "Yes I have dated outside my race, But I have not dated an asian guy (yet) The reason I have not dated an asian man, is because I have only ever been approached by 2 in my whole life (they were japanese) I have always assumed Im not their type physically, but a lot of my white/black female friends tell me they are also never approached by asian men either.

People assume that asian men will go for asian woman, and they accept that that's just the way it is. 

Saying that, my sister is attracted ONLY to asian men ( she adores japanese and korean guys) but apart from one guy I set her up with (from hong kong) she complains to me that she wishes she was approached more by asian men. How ever, saying that, things are starting to change, and asian men are dating white women more than they were say 10 years ago."

APB: "Before your career in pick-up, how did you perceive Asian men?"
Kezia: "My perception of asian men before entering the community was simply as I stated before, they were not in to me or my white female friends and that was it.

But now, after teaching a lot of asian guys, I can see that they are most deffinatley not in to JUST asian girls."

APB: "What's one of the best success stories you had while teaching a student in the field? Like a specific moment?"
Kezia: "The best moment for me was when one of my long term students who had serious problems with talking to women full stop ( he lost all his confidence and self belief when his wife left him for their 17 year old daughters BOYFRIEND!) we went to a very high end club, and he managed to take back home with him a very hot fairly well known celebrity. All that theory and practice in low end clubs really paid off, and I was super proud of him. He got his confidence back when he saw that he could really DO IT!"

APB: "What brings you to the USA?"
Kezia: "Im coming to LA, firstly because it is my favourit city i the world, and I love it when Im there. But this time, I feel its the right time to actually bring my techniques and advice to the states. as well as talking at the Ross Jeffries event, and working on the Asian Playboy night game event, I will be teaching students on personal one on one session. I also have meeting with some TV networks who are considering doing some shows that will involve me and what I teach and do."

APB: "What do you hope to pass along and achieve with this workshop?"
Kezia: "In this event I hope to pass on the ultimate female point of view, no stone left unturned. I want to share my hottest and most effective techniques that will help the students achieve maximum results for not just that evening but for the rest of their life.

Especially making sexual escalation in a club or a bar. Something which so many of my students back in the UK want to learn."

Event Information: On April 23rd and a mere $450, we are holding a once in a lifetime event, the joint PUA All Star Workshop powered by Kezia Noble, the Top Female Pick Up Trainer, and myself the Asian Playboy, the foremost authority on dating for Asian men. Only a SELECT few can join, but only if you act now and buy your ticket before someone else does!

For one whole day, you'll be able to pick our brains and allow us to give you our hard earned expertise with a full lecture and full in-field live training session with the both of us at your side.

You'll never get this opportunity again. So don't miss out. Sign up now for this PUA All Star Workshop!

Empower Yourself!
JT the Asian Playboy
1-888-689-GAME (4263)

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