Once you've decided you want to take a pick-up bootcamp, how do you go about deciding which seduction company is the most credible, trustworthy, and effective?
The single best method of evaluating what a bootcamp is all about and if it's something that will meet your expectations is to read bootcamp reviews. The easiest place to find them is on the company's website and they are prime examples (click the "Reviews" Nav Button to see past testimonials and reviews by former satisfied students).
But then you may also want to dig deeper, start reading the ones posted on the company's forums which is more interactive. And just to double check, Google the company's name and review, and read testimonials and reviews from a third party website.
It's easy for a company to moderate or completely delete bad reviews from their own websites, so it's a good idea to double check with a quick search.
Video testimonials are probably the best judge of a program because there's simply no way to fake it. And if the student is willing to forgo his anonymity and declare to the world what he thought of the program, then odds are he's enthusiastically telling the truth.
So if you've ever wondered if:
Is the Asian Playboy bootcamp and ABCs of Attraction a scam?
Has anyone has ever tried an ABCs of Attraction bootcamp?
Is a seduction bootcamp right for you?
then look no further...
Proof is in the pudding and there's no better way for us to brag about ourselves than to have our students speak for us.