"Another guy I talked recently to ALMOST opted out of the bootcamp (HUGE MISTAKE!) he signed up for because he was afraid of confronting his fears with women. He kept making excuses but it was really clear cut that he was trying to avoid the inevitable. Again, he was going through the same problems I had once been going through."

This is Kevin Feng speaking to you from the Los Angeles office... So a lot of things have changed in the past couple weeks and I just wanted to take some time updating you on whats new with me and what's fresh at the glorious ABCs of Attraction.
As you've probably noticed, we've got a fresh new face finally with the ABCs of Attraction with our Brand New Website. We've had an increasing demand for our products and we've been doing our best to be really pro-active with keeping up.
But most importantly, we have a new TOLL FREE number and you can now contact us at our new office line at 1-(888)-689-GAME.
Its great talking to future Alumni and helping guys make an informed decision about their bootcamp choice by sharing my experiences with you from fledgling newbie to Full-Time PUA. So if you have any questions, feel free to email me at kevin.feng@abcofattraction.com or call me at the home office at 1-(888)-689-GAME.
As for being the ABCs' Office Rep, I have had the profound privelege of talking to guys not simply around the country, but around the globe as far away as Australia (whaddup Minh!). What I'm trying to get at is that it's great hearing from all of you, it's great hearing from all my Asian brothers and the progress they've made.
As a matter of fact, spending time on the phone not only keeps my experiences in erspective, but it also allows me to give back what I've been so lucky to have been given by default.
I recently spoke with a client in our phone consultation who was absolutely paralyzed by approach anxiety. I saw some of his photos online and quite frankly, he was a pretty good looking guy, but the absolute terror of approaching women just totally undermined his ability at pick up.
It totally reminded me of the first couple times I went out in field myself. I stood at the corner of the bar holding my beer in front of me like an absolute douchebag. After a some talking and telling him how painful my first approaches were out and how I barrelled past the pain of uncertainty and rejection, he was out opening sets like a champ, not necessarily F-closing every set, but the attitude for victory- that FIRE IN THE BELLY- was set into place.
Another guy I talked recently to almost opted out of the bootcamp (HUGE MISTAKE!) he signed up for because he was afraid of confronting his fears with women. He kept making excuses but it was really clear cut that he was trying to avoid the inevitable. Again, he was going through the same problems I had once been going through.
I remember, almost 2 years ago, I began reading about the game. I kept reading, reading, and then read some more. I realized at certain point that I wasn't going to learn the stuff simply by reading about and that my self-reservations had gotten the best of me.
After I told him about my own experiences of being LOST IN THE PICK-UP WILDERNESS, he realized the fault in his ways, took the bootcamp and couldn't believe he had almost opted out.
And speaking of journeys, it's been an incredible ride so far for me. I mean after training with the top guys in the community, I've gone from n00b to doing the PUA All Star Starter Workshop next week!
"When you meet with them. You know you’re getting the real deal. They aren’t some dodgy businessmen (like some Asians are) only in it to make some extra money. These guys are genuinely concerned about your welfare, they want to make a difference to the Asian community, contribute to society in order to further improve our social well-being. Personally, I believe the amount they charge for the Boot Camp is extremely high value for money. In fact, you cant put a dollar amount on the life lessons or motivational energy you get from them."
-Will (Melbourne, Australia)(Here's what
Will from the Mebourne, Australia bootcamp had to say about me: "
Yet there’s something about APB and Kevin that makes them great inspirational coaches. Because they’ve been in exactly the same position before and when you look at them, how much success they’ve aspired for it really inspires you.")
I mean, can you imagine yourself at a posh Hollywood club with the lights flashing, the speakers blaring, the sexy women dancing and rolling DEEP with the top dogs themselves? The Pick Up Gods like Mystery, Matador, Lovedrop, Styles, and- of course- the Asian Playboy!
Check out my blog to see videos and pictures of us!
But you know what, here I am rolling deep in Hollywood with the Top Dawgs as well as being the Office Rep and Approach Coach in Training for the ABCs of Attraction. And all I had to do was take that first step- getting someone to help me.
I don't want anyone thinking I've gotten a big head or anything with all this VH1 stuff, the truth is, I put in the exact hard work and am on an even playing field as everyone else. Yeah, I was on TV, but that fame was fleeting and short lived.
Landing the show was literally a 1 in a MILLION chance and somehow I got it.
I was only on for 2 episodes! Count em, TWO episodes before I get kicked off and totally humilated on NATIONAL TELEVISION.
And the way I got here was by working hard, taking chances, and doing my best to make myself into a better man and pick-up artist.
In other words, it's been a rush.
And I am so grateful for having taken that FIRST step where I forced myself to DIG DEEP and ADMIT to myself that I had a PROBLEM. I mean, you guys know EXACTLY what my problems were! Hell, all my faults were on NATIONAL TELEVISION for everyone to make fun of me and my mistakes!
You HAVE to be able to put aside your EGO if you want to ever get good in life as well as pick-up.
Whether you want to call us at 1-(888)-689-GAME, or email at kevin.feng@abcofattraction.com, or simply buy your bootcamp ticket straight away, don't let indecision and fear hold you back from living a life free of anxiety and filled with dating beautiful women!
K-Feng out!
The K-Feng Chronicles
P.S. Look, mom, I didn't even cuss once! :-)
Labels: Approach Anxiety, Approach Coach, Australia, Free Phone Consultation, Inner Game, Kevin Feng, Melbourne, PUA All Star Bootcamp