I just spoke with the internet marketer for Holtzbrinck Publishers.
She's agreed to send me 20 or so books of Mystery's new hardback book, The Mystery Method: How to Get Beautiful Women Into Bed![](http://www.assoc-amazon.com/e/ir?t=asiplathedatc-20&l=as2&o=1&a=0312360118)
As I have to allot them amongst different groups including:
- The two Dallas lairs
- APB Alumni
- Active forum members
- Loyal APB blog readers
- Loyal APB newsletter subscribers
- Just to name a few
I'm also trying to convince her to let me giveaway some free books when I give a free presentation next Wednesday at the Las Vegas Lair.
The only question now is HOW and WHO gets these free goodies?
Who amongst you would like to get your grubbie little paws on the book written by three master PUAs: Mystery, Style, and Lovedrop.
Be ye mice or men? Squeak up!
This is your chance to decide how I should choose amongst you to give the books away for free. Otherwise I'll just sell them on Ebay :-)
Random lottery? Field reports + pics? Naming your first born after me?
Oh, and be sure to check out Mystery's Myspace page!
Who loves ya, baby!Labels: Books, Contest, Holtzbrink Publishers, Lovedrop, Mystery, Mystery Method, Recommended Products, Style