Atlanta Testimonial from Power

I have another testimonial from Power, the Atlanta student. Atlanta seemed like a pretty decent city. What struck me most, however, is that their bars and clubs seem better designed. What I mean is that in most of the venues I've been to here in Dallas, all the packed singles scenes have a DJ blaring in every single room including the patio. Not conducive to conversation.

Whereas the Cosmopolitan and East Andrews in mid-town Atlanta had the dance floor, but also large areas dedicated specifically for mingling, socializing and flirting. I much prefer that setup otherwise you've seriously got to project your voice over the music, a skill any pick up artist should learn in the first place though hopefully rarely use.

Anyways, Power was a pretty good student, willing to push himself out of his comfort zone. I think part of it also is that he's an Asian FOB so he's already out of his comfort zone by living in the US. The review will also be on Fast once it's been approved by Formhandle.

This is 9pm friday night. i'm about to leave for a club soon. and this is a review about my bootcamp with APB last weekend.

in short, i recommend his bootcamp. so read this with it in mind.

it has been several months since i had a mystery method bootcamp. it was an eye opener. now with this bootcamp with APB, i could internalize some of the basic concepts of pick up. i feel that with each 'bootcamp' experience, i could go up to a next level, step by step. it might be because i was starting from very scratch.

again in short, i think every bootcamp with decent reviews is worth the money.

anyway, as an FOB asian, one good thing of being coached by APB was that it was easier to 'learn by imitating'.

the bootcamp was composed of 3 days/nights. the first day was about approach, general pick up theory and conversational skills. the second day was about fashion makeover, day 2 and later phases. the third day was about day game, house decoration and etc. about the night time practices, it was about approaching at the first night, stacking and maintaining conversation at the second night and mixed sets at the third night. i think the focus of practice will vary according to students' game level.

one good thing about 1on1 bootcamp is that you can get the answers right away and adjust your game according to them. but, he is not a magician transforming anyone into pick up artists in a weekend. i didn't have that kind of expectation. i also pushed myself. that's why i could get improved a bit, i guess.

he has a strong frame. so he will teach you his game. it felt like raw, i mean first-hand experience. his game was kind of a mixture of direct and indirect, but i could get answers about other kinds of game when i asked him. his theory was similar to mystery's, but a bit different. well, he was a student of mystery after all, as he admits. anyway, so if you follow his game, i think you will learn. but if, during the bootcamp, you start messing his game theory with, for example, gunwitch method (by the way, nice book gun) and questioning him with something like which one is better and why he prefers his over other methods and keep being critical, i guess you get the idea, you'll learn much less. well, the same for any other bootcamp after all.

read his posts and if you feel he has a better game than yours, my gut feeling is that you can go up one step or more with his bootcamp, considering my experience.

and he developed an opener based on my life. it was good.

ok, now about APB himself as a coach. again, he has a strong frame. from what i observed, he is a kind of coach who will give you fish and taking it or not is your choice. so how much you'll learn depends on how much you're eager. that's not bad. but if he is going to expand his business, my suggestion to APB is that it would be much greater if he 'hooks' and motivationally 'seduces' students into learning the game.

the three nights with him were great experience. one week later and now i feel the absence of a 'booster', the coach APB, but he helped me in making one step further.

by the way, to the MM crew, it's not that i got nothing from the bootcamp and didn't write a review. don't get mad. i recommend yours - period.

so, i recommend APB's 1on1 bootcamp. especially if you're an asian with some limiting beliefs.

and... what i learned most from APB is this attitude:

i don't give a shit. fuck off!

right, APB? :)

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