This is a review of the November 12th "Natural Attraction" bootcamp.
First off, I have to thank all the instructors and in-field coaches. They all did a great job at planning the bootcamp out and really making it a great experience for everyone envolved.
Seminar Portion:
The seminar portion of the bootcamp was well planned and executed. The three instructors: Asian Playboy, Prophet, and OCWaterBoy, all did a fantastic job. Each had a great understanding of the game, and were able to convey their understanding through well planned segments.
OCWaterBoy's portion of the seminar on direct game was very informative and helpful. He gave us examples of direct openers/body language, and had us practice the openers in front of the class. It really helped to show how important tonality and body language are with driect game.
All sections of Prohpet's presentation were very informative. He went over everything from basics to creating an identity. He really knows this material inside and out, and it showed in his presentation.
The most helpful, immediately applicable portion of the seminar, in my opinion, was Asian Playboy's exercies on approaching. This portion of the seminar taught us how to do the indirect approach correctly and helped us practice it until we got it down. This was really cool because they helped correct problems with my approach that I did'nt even know I had. This was probably the most helpful thing I have come across ever since I came across this whole "community" six months ago.
After the dinner break we went back to the seminar room and went over any questions we might have or any areas where we needed help. Prohpet also made us each come up with "cheat-sheets" to carry in our pockets, so that we had a plan for the night, and also gave us two awesome wing openers that we used throughout the night.
This is where all the work that Asian Playboy and Prophet put in really shined. Not only did we have the three instructors from the seminar, we also had Jason and Captain Jack to help with approaches. All of these guys gave great feedback and really helped me get my game going.
Thanks again to Asian Playboy and Prophet, they got us VIP passes and tables for Carsons live, which would really be helpful for pulling girls back to our section.
Prophet and Asian Playboy were always ready to give feedback, and help and were always asking me how I was doing on the immeadiate goal I'd set durring the workshop (open 10+ sets, get 3 #'s). This really had the affect of helping me get over any fear of approaching because I had a goal in mind.
When the club closed down we all met up at IHOP where we, yet again, received personalized attention from the instructors on what we had done right and what we needed to work on. Then Asian Playboy pulled people individually aside and checked on what sticking points we felt we had and gave us ways to work on them.
Out of all the products (books, dvd's, cd's, etc..) that I've purchased, this was definitely the best $200 I've spent on anything to come out of the community. To anyone asking yourself if you should take a workshop like this, do. Like Ajay said, there is'nt anywhere else where you'll have five people in-field helping eight guys.
I've never taken any other workshops, so I don't have anything to really compare it to. But, I can without a doubt reccomend this workshop to anyone looking to try this stuff out. If you really apply what they teach you, you will see results.
Four hours in the field, at least ten sets, 3 # closes's, one kiss close, and tons of fun. This was truly an awesome night.
Thanks again to Asian Playboy, Prophet, and all the other instructors
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